Audit The Fed

Hey everyone, I have been pretty busy and haven’t had a chance to put up any new posts for a few weeks. But I have something I think is important that I wanted to share. In light of our current economic situation and the drastic measures our politicians are taking with the massive amounts being spent, I have been thoroughly studying economics for awhile now. It’s amazing to me that I can find the answers and that there are groups of economists that have been predicting this exact thing was going to happen for a long time, yet our Presidents (past and present) don’t want to listen to them. I’ve been meaning to post some of the information I have found, but I have so much information, and there are so many examples and videos and links that I could share, that I don’t even know where to begin. I’m sure most of you would be surprised and interested in the information because of the current circumstances. However, since time is short, I think I might just share bits and pieces instead of trying to take so much time to put together everything in one or two posts.

The purpose of this post, however, is to encourage your action on a specific topic that will go a long way to bringing the source of the economic problems to light, so that the average american actually knows the truth. As President Ezra Taft Benson has quoted, “Truth must be repeated again and again because error is constantly being preached round about.” The way to help bring that truth to light is by exposing what the Federal Reserve, our central bank in America, is doing with trillions of dollars that they are printing out of thin air. This is above and beyond the stimilus packages that we are hearing so much about. When congress asks the Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, where all the money is going, they tell us it’s better that we don’t know. Here’s a chart, a video, and a short article showing some of the massive amounts of money they are printing:

There is a bill proposed by Ron Paul, HR 1207, to audit the Federal Reserve, so that we know where that money is going. There is a petition you can easily sign by going to this link:

All you have to do is put in a little of your information so that it can be sent to your local congressman, to get them to support this bill. It already has 28 co-sponsors in congress and I think everyone should be for this. Even Obama platformed on making his administration the “most transparent administration ever.” Here’s everyone’s chance to show what is being done with our money.

If you would like to know more about the current economic crisis, an excellent book on the subject is Meltdown, by Tom Woods. I have that next on my reading list and I’ve heard lots of reviews and interviews with the author. It should be easy to read for everyone, even if you don’t understand economics.

Anyways, here’s a letter I got from the president of Campaign For Liberty, John Tate, urging all to support the bill. There’s good information there to help give a quick understanding of the problem and the urgency that is needed before things get much worse. Love you all.

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Right now, you and I are seeing the worst plundering of a nation’s wealth in the history of civilization – all led by the out of control Federal Reserve.

If you and I don’t act today, I’m afraid this crisis will end with the economic ruin of every man, woman and child in the United States.

Just think about the scope of the problem for a minute: The Fed pumps trillions of dollars in fiat currency into a system already overloaded by the massive amount of dollars committed to the economic bailouts in recent months.


More than the socialist New Deal…
More than the entire Iraq debacle…
More than the 1980’s savings and loan mess…
More than the Korean War…


Where will it all end?

It’s time you and I put a stop to an out of control Federal Reserve. And Ron Paul has a bill before Congress to do just that.

That’s why it’s vital you fill out your personal “Audit the Fed” petition in support of Congressman Paul’s bill.

Today, $9.7 TRILLION in taxpayer dollars in bailouts and loans have been agreed to by Congress, the Bush and Obama Treasury Departments, and the Federal Reserve.

Poll after poll shows the American people are fed up and are ready for fresh leadership to make their voices heard in Washington.

That means it’s a perfect time to unleash the Ron Paul R3VOLUTION on the out of control Fed!

Please complete this petition urging your Congressman to cosponsor and a seek roll-call vote on Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill — the first step toward ENDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE once and for all!

As I know you’re aware, the Federal Reserve’s inner-workings are shrouded in secrecy, and their meetings are off-limits to the public.

Just recently, the Federal Reserve told Congress “NO WAY” when asked to account for TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in taxpayer-backed loans!

Well, why do you think they refused?

They know coming clean with Congress and the American people on how they doled out those two TRILLION dollars would result in an anti-Fed firestorm.

So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit?

You and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

*** Constant economic crises — the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally-planned interest rates and money manipulation;

*** The destruction of the middle class — as fuel, food, housing, medical care and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

*** Currency destruction — history shows us that riots, violence and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

And unless you and I do end the madness in Washington, D.C., we may be closer than we’d like to think to learning that history lesson first hand — right here on the streets of our towns and cities.

That’s why your commitment to helping the Campaign for Liberty fight this battle is so vital.

Just a few months ago, there was no chance of passing any legislation like Ron Paul’s Audit-the-Fed Bill.

So I guess there has been one “CHANGE.”

But with the piling up of trillions of dollars in out of control “bailouts” of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they’re “being responsible”.

What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from the U.S. taxpayers?

There will be many battles you and I must fight over the coming months to take back our country. But this one is set to rage in Congress in just a few short weeks.

And, it’s a bill we CAN pass!

You see, after regulating, taxing, spending, borrowing and printing us into what looks like the worst recession in decades, establishment politicians and power brokers are assuring us they are working hard to “fix” our economic woes.

So they want to do something (anything) to show you they care.

That’s why Dr. Paul’s bill is positioned to move forward this year.

And since very few politicians understand the Federal Reserve System, they do not understand the threat this bill poses to the borrow-and-spend system they continually vote for.

And even if Ron Paul’s Audit-the-Fed Bill is defeated, just forcing a vote is a win/win situation.

Can you imagine how many politicians will pay the price at the ballot box in 2010 when you and I tell the American people their Congressman somehow lost trillions of taxpayer dollars and voted against even looking for the money?

Of course, getting a vote won’t be easy, but you know just as well as I do that Ron Paul has proven he’s not afraid of a fight.

Now, we just need to show Congress that the American people demand action on Ron Paul’s Audit-the-Fed Bill. Here’s how we plan to do that:

First, we’re already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones and e-mail to generate petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding action on the bill.

But that’s just the beginning.

We’ll work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on Congress. And, of course, Ron Paul supporters will own the meet-up groups and social networking sites that first launched our R3volution.

And a few days before the vote, if we have the resources, we’d also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV and newspaper ads.

This entire program is designed to send one, CLEAR message to Congress — Any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve Audit should look for another job.

But such a massive effort won’t be easy — or cheap.

So, along with your petition, I also hope you’ll agree to make a contribution of $250, $100, or $50 to the Campaign for Liberty.

I know times are hard, but if we don’t take action, the America we see in just a few years could look much different than the one we see today.

So please, fill out your petition and give a generous contribution of $250, $100, or $50 to the Campaign for Liberty IMMEDIATELY.

Please don’t just ignore this email.

Can I count on you to join the fight to ultimately END THE FED by making a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 — or whatever you can afford to the Campaign for Liberty?


John F. Tate

P.S. Please fill out this petition DEMANDING your Congressman cosponsor and seek a roll-call vote on Ron Paul’s Audit-the-Fed Bill TODAY!

With Congress spending like never before, and TRILLIONS of new dollars flying off the printing presses, it’s never been more important to expose the Federal Reserve System to the American people once and for all.

So along with your petition, please contribute to Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can donate as much as $250 – or $50 or some other amount, please do what you can. I know any amount in these hard times is a sacrifice!

Campaign for Liberty operates like government should, meaning we will not go into debt. Only your voluntary contributions permit us to do this work.






2 responses to “Audit The Fed”

  1. […] This is the Senate version of the bill HR 1207 from Ron Paul in the House of Representatives, which I wrote about before. The purpose is to audit the Federal Reserve so we know what they are doing with trillions of […]

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