Good Source of News: Freedom Watch

A lot of people have asked me where I get information from to learn about constitutional principles and current events, without all the mainstream media bias. There are lots of good sources of information that bring up the real important topics and discuss actual truth and sound principles. It’s very difficult to get a real debate or discussion from the mainstream media news outlets, so that is an unreliable source, in my opinion. I’d like to post on some good sources of information in the future, but one very informative source is an internet-only show called “Freedom Watch” by the Fox News Network. It’s on weekly on Wednesdays for an hour. You can get all the shows on this site,, and watch them whenever you have time. It’s hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano and has a bunch of exciting guests every week. Some of the featured and common guests are Peter Schiff (who I’ve blogged about a few times), Ron Paul (again, who I’ve mentioned a few times here), Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, and occasionally others, like Glenn Beck. The shows are really exciting and I’m sure you’ll be surprised to hear people actually talk about stuff that’s important, asking the right questions and talking about current issues from a constitutional perspective. You can also listen to the show on your iPod (the podcast) if you search for “Freedom Watch” from iTunes. I highly recommend watching this show instead of mainstream media fluff. Here’s the latest show that aired yesterday:[youtube][/youtube]

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