A few days before President Obama’s State of the Union Address, Ron Paul gave a “State of The Republic” address, which is quite different from what President Obama said. While Obama sounded more optimistic and is saying the same type of things the media is about our current economic situation, Ron Paul’s address was much more pessimistic. However, it’s not that Ron Paul is a pessimist and Obama is an optimist; it’s that each has a much different understanding (or lack thereof) of reality and what the consequences of government meddling in society does. If there’s any doubt about who has a more accurate outlook, we’d do well to remember the past record of the media and those who advise Obama in regards to their understanding of the present situation versus Ron Paul and others (see videos I posted here for a reminder).
At the end, Ron Paul outlines his 8 point plan to transition back to the principles this country was founded upon, so that we might become a free society again. How different his suggestions are than Obama’s and how great it would have been had he won the presidential election instead in 2008.
Here is Ron Paul’s 8 point plan:
- Balance the budget by reducing spending
- Change our foreign policy to that of non-intervention
- A full audit and more supervision of the Federal Reserve leading to abolishing the Federal Reserve
- Legalize competition to the Federal Reserve with competing currencies
- Regain respect for civil liberties and privacy while reigning in the CIA
- Wean ourselves off the dependence of wealth transfers by government
- Abolish crony capitalism: no subsidies, no bailouts, no regulatory or tax privileges to protect the powerful elite, especially the military-industrial complex
- Eliminate the income tax, inheritance tax and taxes on savings and dividends.
Here’s the actual address:
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