I recently came across this awesome video series that shows how Ron Paul’s positions best align with the Bible compared to other candidates (thanks to RonPaulFlix.com for sharing it). It is REALLY well done and worth the watch for all Christians. There are 13 short videos that discuss various topics and the moral, Constitutional, and practical arguments for each and how the Biblical teachings on each topic align with Ron Paul’s political application in those areas. I’ll link each of the 13 parts below with their title so you can easily jump to any specific topic and then embed the whole playlist below that if you want to watch straight through:
Thirteen-part video series comparing Ron Paul’s platform to biblical principles for government.
pt. 1: Introduction (3:49)
pt. 2: The Role of Civil Government (3:06)
pt. 3: State’s Rights (2:40)
pt. 4: Abortion (4:17)
pt. 5: Private Property (3:08)
pt. 6: Welfare (3:04)
pt. 7: Economics & Sound Money (4:13)
pt. 8: Defense & Foreign Policy (5:06)
pt. 9: Intervention & Islamic Terrorism (3:42)
pt. 10: Israel & Foreign Aid (4:18)
pt. 11: Discrimination & Racism (3:41)
pt. 12: Education, Marriage, Drugs & Prostitution (4:28)
pt. 13: Conclusion (4:04)
Watch the full series (49:36) below:
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