Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy
My last few posts have been focusing on foreign policy. I’m emphasizing it because I think it is the biggest obstacle for Republicans (most Independents and Democrats have much less of a problem) in supporting Ron Paul. Not that my only goal is to get people to support Ron Paul, my goal is to get…
A Radical Experiment in Empathy
This is a similar post to my previous one. The video below, like the last one, imagines what it would be like to have some other military forces occupying our land. But this one goes further and tries to put you in their shoes, in their lands, and see what it feels like for them…
Do unto others: Our Foreign Policy
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is sometimes called the Golden rule. Different forms of this rule exist in most, if not all religions, Christianity or otherwise. It is a simple, yet wise test for judging one’s actions when interacting with others. While it is important to apply this…
A Comment About The Education Bubble
On my company’s social network today, an article was posted about “The Bond Market on Education.” The article mentions that student loan bonds are a bad bet for investment firms because there are an increasing number of student loans being defaulted on and that it’s going to get worse. The company I work for is…
This Is How We Support The Troops
I’ve often been baffled at how easily people buy into the myth that “Support Our Troops” means we must “Support Our Wars”. Those phrases are not synonymous. I support our troops and that’s exactly why I want them home, with their families. As I posted before in “Presidential Candidates Claim To Support Our Troops, But Who…
A Comment About Intellectual Property
Although this post may be slightly technical for some people not overly familiar with technology and patents, I think it still serves the purpose of enlightening the subjects of rights and property and why they are important. We need to understand legitimate rights better and the implications of violating them, even when it seems to be for a…
A Comment About “Buying American”
As you know, I post to my blog periodically, but I’m most heavily active on Facebook and Twitter. I share many links, videos, and comments and engage in conversations on topics I feel are important. Most of my blog readers are not people who I am associated with on any social networks, so my blog…
Media Promotes Herman Cain: Disses Ron Paul
Lately the media has been promoting Herman Cain more than before. One of the media’s previous favorites, Rick Perry, has been declining in popularity (with good reason, he has a bad political record, but so do all the other candidates, excepting Ron Paul). In the polls, Ron Paul has been in various positions within the…
A Comment About The “Good Government” Paradox
I recently read a book review on byupoliticalreview.com about Connor Boyack’s upcoming book, Latter Day Liberty. The reviewer mentioned that he was a “vehement anti-libertarian” but he did a pretty good job of reviewing the book fairly. One comment he made though was this:
Letter To My Representatives Regarding The Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011
I wrote this letter to my Representative (Rep. Jeff Flake) and Senators (John McCain and Jon Kyl), regarding the “Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011”:
Got any book recommendations?